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Bringing Positive Change

Working Diligently to Move Forward:

As a new member of Truro’s Select Board, I will bring: (1) an open mind from a science
career dedicated to finding the facts and applying them toward solutions; (2) an even
temperament that respects different points of view; and (3) a work ethic that requires
rolling up my sleeves, getting down into the nitty-gritty, patience, and spending long
hours doing the homework. Those who have worked with me know that I work diligently
when I managed focus groups to study our senior community needs that helped reset
the COA on a sound footing, when serving as co-chair of the Open Space Committee,
and as an active participant on the Community Preservation Committee.

Decisions Based on Facts:

This new board will need to consult experts on a host of projects and issues, balancing
environmental and aquifer protection with the need for affordable housing. I know from
my own experience as a scientist that finding the best people is no easy task. You must
have the ability to ask the right questions, properly assess their credentials, and judge
their depth of experience in relation to our particular needs.

Fiscal Responsibility:

We also must recognize our limits. Just throwing money at an issue doesn’t necessarily
solve it. We must learn to reconcile our costs to our pocketbook. Truro has one of the
highest tax rates in Barnstable County, one of the highest levels of expenditure per
capita, and our town government has one of the largest number of employees. We have
several very expensive capital projects on the horizon for the first time in years. This
means assuming new debt levels which will put a new strain on our residents. What we
can afford will require not always getting what we want but what we need. We must
search for areas where we can economize. Difficult choices lie ahead.

Citizen Engagement:

This is why we need to build on greater citizen engagement by not only listening better
but also genuinely considering the ideas and concerns of our townspeople. This means
encouraging greater volunteer participation and honoring diverse points of view. It also
means better communication between the Select Board and the other Boards and
Committees and respecting the opinions of staff. An important tool will be improving our
town website for easier citizen access to critical town information. And we must seek
greater diversity in engaging volunteers and demonstrate appreciation for their support
of Truro.

Bringing Positive Change: List
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